Terms of use

api-cricket.com provide an affordable service to applications and individual developers. Below you can find the rules that define the service:


You can cancel your subscription at any time, the system will not charge you for the following billing cycle. All our plans are on a monthly basis.

Subscription fees

The fees for the plan are paid up front every month. In case of cancellation, the paid amount can not be refunded and the cancellation is due only at the end of the paid month.

Terms of use

Accounts are individual and must not be shared with other developers. We hold no responsibility for how you use the feed or the consequences of using our data. The data is provided as is and no guarantees are provided. We will do our best to keep the quality of the data the best we can. We are not responsible for the absence of data due to downtime of the servers. We may issue a refund of the subscribed month due to loss of service, at our discretion.

General terms

We reserve the right to terminate the account(s) of any customer deemed to be in violation of the terms set out in this document. By using our services, you agree to be bound by these terms. These terms are subject to change. We accept no responsibility for any losses incurred through the use or termination of services provided by api-cricket.com.

Changes to the Price Plans

We may change the price of our service from time to time; however, any price changes or changes to our service plans will apply to you no earlier than 30 days following email notice to you.

These terms apply to our subscription services for api-cricket.com.